Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Enable GodMode In Your PC....

Oh Yes... Now You can enable God Mode In Your PCs and Laptops...
God Mod is a mode that enables you to modify your PC in the easiest
way possible... It shows all the tools thats present in Your Windows Operating System...

To enter "GodMode," all you need only create a new folder and then rename the
folder to the following:


Once that is done, the folder's icon will change to resemble the icon you see when clicking Control Panel, and will contain..

Simple.. Right..!!
Keep tuned for more stuffs like this....... 

Friday, 29 March 2013

Oh Yes...!! Add Recycle Bin At My Computer...

Hello again.... As per the caption is... U can add Your Recycle Bin At your My Computer....

For this you'll have to open regedt32.exe (for a 32-bit OS) or regedt64.exe ( On a 64-bit OS).

1.> To open this, either go to My Computer\C:\Windows\System32\regedt(32 or 64).exe

2.> Or simply go to Start\Run and type:  regedit

The Computers Registry opens where You have to navigate to the following registry location:

3. After navigation to the location create a  new key to the NameSpace  with the following name (exactly the same... ;either copy this)

4. The following must look like this

 5. Now Go to My Computer you will find Recycle bin.

Simple, Done....
Press F5 or refresh your My Computer to check Recycle Bin there....



Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Exclusive: Make Your BLOG SEARCHABLE...!!


Here i'm gonna teach you how to make your blog (if you have one), searchable in the various search ENGINES like Google, Yahoo, Sify, Bing etc.

At first,

1. Visit google webmaster here: CLICK HERE 
link is:

2. Log in using your blog email and password.

3. add your site on Click Here to add your site.

4. verify your site. Choose meta tag as your verification method the code will look like this.

Do not close webmasters page.

5. In you blogger account go to Layout then EDIT HTML.

6. Paste your verification code above this "b:skin ![CDATA[/*". Save template.

7. Go to webmasters and Click verify button. Your done.

It's not yet completed.
You have to wait for a week or two til your blog will be shown on google search engine. If you see a Not Indexed warning when you verify it, its ok it will be verified after a few weeks.

Your blog will now be shown to other people. But this does not mean that when people search for your tags it will come up at the number one spot. Most likely other blogs will be at number one. If you want to be at the number one use SEO search engine optimization.

For All You Windows 8 LOVERS..

 Here's some of the shortcuts You should know.. Go thru them...!!

1. Windows Key + C: Displays Charms menu.

2. Windows Key + X: Brings up a menu of advanced system options, including Windows Control Panel, Command Prompt, Task Manager and File Explorer.

3. Windows Key + I: Displays the Settings menu for the current app. For example, if you’re in Internet Explorer 10, this key shows Internet options. If you’re on the Start menu, it shows general OS settings.

4. Windows Key + Q: Brings up the apps search menu that allows you to search your list of installed programs.

5. Windows Key + D: Activates desktop mode (just checked: Works in Windows 7 too).

6. Windows Key + Tab: Brings up the Task Switcher and toggles between Windows 8-style apps (just checked: Works in Windows 7 too)h.

7. Windows Key + H: Brings up Share menu for the current app. For example, hitting Windows Key + H in Bing Maps, lets you email or share map information on social networks.

8. Windows Key + M: Opens desktop mode and minimizes all windows (just checked: Works in Windows 7 too).

9. Windows Key + W: Opens universal search menu and sets it to search settings.

10. Windows Key + F: Opens universal search menu and sets it to search files.

11. Windows Key + R: Opens Run menu where you can launch programs by typing in their executable file names (ofcourse Works in Windows 7 :) ).

12. Windows Key + E: Opens File Explorer to the “My Computer” view which shows all your drives (just checked: Works in Windows 7 too).

13. Windows Key +Number Key (1-9): Switch to desktop mode and make the Nth application on the task bar active where N is the number key you hit and 1 is the furthest taskbar icon to the left (just checked: Works in Windows 7 too).

14. Windows Key + . (period key): Docks the current Windows 8-style application to the right or left, depending on how many times you hit it.

15. Windows Key + Z: Brings up app menu, which shows contextual options for the active app.

16. Windows Key: Just brings you to the Start Menu.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Customizing your GOOGLE CHROME...!!!

Did You Know Chrome has it's default Task Manager which initializes tasks on CHROME...
You can even manage the.... While on Chrome, just press SHIFT and ESC simultaneously from the keyboard to open the task manager of CHROME Browser.. 

One of the major reasons why people switch to Firefox or such like browsers is that they provide an extension to block advertisements on various websites like Facebook, YouTube... etc.
But now my Friend, You can do so in your CHROME also..
Just visit the following website and download a file name= extension_1_4.crx
a crx file to stop unuseful ads on your CHROME.!!!

P.S. Your Chrome should at-least be of 18.0 version or later.
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