Hello again.... As per the caption is... U can add Your Recycle Bin At your My Computer....
For this you'll have to open regedt32.exe (for a 32-bit OS) or regedt64.exe ( On a 64-bit OS).
1.> To open this, either go to My Computer\C:\Windows\System32\regedt(32 or 64).exe
2.> Or simply go to Start\Run and type: regedit
The Computers Registry opens where You have to navigate to the following registry location:
3. After navigation to the location create a new key to the NameSpace with the following name (exactly the same... ;either copy this)
4. The following must look like this
For this you'll have to open regedt32.exe (for a 32-bit OS) or regedt64.exe ( On a 64-bit OS).
1.> To open this, either go to My Computer\C:\Windows\System32\regedt(32 or 64).exe
2.> Or simply go to Start\Run and type: regedit
The Computers Registry opens where You have to navigate to the following registry location:
3. After navigation to the location create a new key to the NameSpace with the following name (exactly the same... ;either copy this)
4. The following must look like this
5. Now Go to My Computer you will find Recycle bin.
Simple, Done....
Press F5 or refresh your My Computer to check Recycle Bin there....